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Welcome to Bloody Rose, the fanlisting for the anime/manga series, Vampire Knight (ヴァンパイア騎士), created by Hino Matsuri.
Described as a tragic love story, Vampire Knight made its debut in January 2005 in the monthly LaLa magazine, and an anime adaption followed in April 2008. The story's heroine, Cross Yuki, lives in a world where vampires and humans secretly co-exist. As the school guardian, she must protect and maintain the harmony between the Day Class and Night Class because in reality, the Night Class is made up of vampires. However, there are far more dangerous lies and secrets hidden beneath the calm surface...
Do you believe in vampires?
Members: 3793 (+0) fans in 103 countries
A fanlisting is an online list of fans of a subject. They are created by fans and dedicated to uniting the fans worldwide. We are listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network. Please join this fanlisting to show your support for Vampire Knight! ♥
Don't spill blood
Bloody Rose has been online since April 2005, and is maintained by Annie. This is just a fansite, no infringement intended.